Make Me Up Rachel Maclean

GB-2018, 85 Min. OmeU

Regie, Design, Schnitt Rachel Maclean
Mit Rachel Maclean, Christina Gordon, Colette Dalal Tchantcho
Musik Scott Twynholm
Kamera David Liddell
VFX Supervisor Jason Hillier
Line Producer Carolynne Sinclair Kidd
Executive Producers Sud Basu, Mark Bell, Clara Glynn, David Harron, Mark Thomas, Jenny Waldman
Produzenten John Archer, Angus Farqhuar

Produced by Hopscotch Films with NVA, Make Me Up is a major commission for the BBC, Creative Scotland and 14-18 NOW: WW1 Centenary Art Commissions, supported by Jerwood Charitable Foundation, the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund, and by the Department of Digital, Culture Media and Sport. Make Me Up is part of Represent, a series of works inspired by the Representation of the Peoples Act 1918

  • English
  • Deutsch

In Make Me Up, multimedia artist Rachel Maclean has created a world that is both seductive and dangerous; a place where surveillance, violence and submission are a normalised part of daily life. She tackles these contradictions head-on and never balks at pushing boundaries.

This darkly-comic film takes a satirical look at the contradictory pressures faced by women today. It examines how television and social media can be fun and expressive spaces to explore identity, but simultaneously a gilded prison that encourages women to conform to strict beauty ideals.

Siri wakes to find herself trapped inside a brutalist candy-coloured dreamhouse. Despite the cutesy decor, the place is far from benign, and she and her inmates are encouraged to compete for survival while being watched over by surveillance cameras, 24/7.

Presiding over the group is an authoritarian diva who speaks entirely with the voice of Kenneth Clark from the 1960s BBC series Civilisation. As she forces the women to go head-to-head in a series of demeaning tasks, Siri, with the help of fellow inmate Alexa, starts subverting the rules and soon reveals the sinister truth that underpins their world.

Siri und Alexa haben sich in einen quietsch­goldenen Käfig verirrt, in dem eine ziemlich grausame Herrscherin ihren Phantasien der totalen Kontrolle frönt. Entfesselte Gesichtserkennungscomputer in Form von rosa umhüllten Augen, deren lange Wimpern jede das Fürchten lehren, verfolgen alle auf Schritt und Tritt. In diesem Barbie­Puppenhaus in hellblau und rosarot müssen Privatheit und Intimität erkämpft oder gestohlen werden. Siri und Alexa nehmen die Herausforderung an – und kommen auf verblüffende Ideen. Aber wie die Geschichte hinter den Spiegeln unserer Smartphone­Bildschirme weitergeht, sollten Sie sich ganz unbedingt im Kino anschauen! The best opening fi lm ever!